Food Safety And Quality Policy
Jambo Food Products Company Limited is committed to manufacturing and selling of safe quality food products like, carbonated soft drinks, extracted fruit pulp/juice and drinking water, Ice-Cream ,Confectionery products and Bakery products that meet consumers, as well as applicable food safety, statutory and regulatory requirements.
Quality, Continual improvement and exceeding the consumer’s expectations is the basis of Jambo Food Products Company Ltd.’s Food Safety and Quality Policy and the same shall be supported by measurable objectives that shall be periodically reviewed.
To achieve these, Jambo Food Products Company Limited shall;
- Document a Food safety and Quality management system based on FSSC 22000 and ISO 9001 International Standards,
- Commit to comply with requirements and continuously improve the effectiveness of the management systems,
- Implement and maintain stringent quality vetting procedures for incoming raw materials, packaging materials and on-line product quality inspection methods to ensure safe quality products that meet and/or exceed consumer expectations,
- Establish and maintain high standards of hygiene
- Establish effective internal and external communication processes
- Determine internal & external issues relevant to its purpose & strategic direction.
- Determine the interested parties & their requirements.
- Determine risks & opportunities to be addressed to assure that the management systems can achieve its intended results.
- Identify training needs and provide training to personnel.
This policy shall be reviewed as appropriate by the top management during management reviews and shall be communicated and implemented at all levels of the organization.